
Course Information

Tribal Records Management (BMGT 118)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester


Rachel Wippert
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Marilyn Parsons
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Marlene A Doney
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Mon-Wed, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (1/21/2025 - 5/8/2025) Location: BCC RF 102


BMGT 118 Tribal Records
3 Credits

This is a required course, which is the first of its kind for all Tribal Colleges and Universities. Students will study the first recorded documents with the U.S. government beginning with the Blackfoot Treaties and Agreements then progressing to current issues. This includes the Elouise Cobell (Blackfeet) class action lawsuit against the United States for mismanagement of trust funds. The Genealogy of the students will also be researched and
148 will be presented on, giving them an electronic database for their family's histories.

Offered spring and fall semesters.